Partner’s description
KU Leuven has an outstanding tradition in fundamental and applied research and a longstanding technical expertise in domains like sustainable energy (PV, wind, smart grids, stand-alone systems) and e-mobility.
The involved research group (E&A, Energy and Automation) has relevant lab-infrastructure and expertise in design and realization of industrial and residential applications including, but not limited to, PV-systems, smart grids, e-mobility, charging infrastructure, industrial automation. Measuring, monitoring and modelling of energy flow with either own design or commercial devices is the key competence of the involved group.
Partner’s role in the project
KU Leuven coordinates work package 1. In this workpackage the partners will share the know-how, challenges and opportunities related to the use of solar energy in the 2Seas. Measures that encourage extensive use of renewable energy are different in the participating countries and these change quite often. Therefore a through analysis of the solar energy market in the 2Seas area will be performed to gather details regarding the industry, legislation and other aspects that incentivise or disincentivise mass uptake of solar energy in 2Seas. The actual, widely spead and also the new, little known technologies will be analized to assess their future potential and possible application by the partners within the subsequential activities of the project. Integration of solar energy in smart grids will also be investigated and the results of the study regarding smart grid components and energy management systems will also be used in the other workpackages. The activities in this workpackage will contribute to the project output ‘Guide package on legislation, market, technologies and best practices’ to be delivered at the end of the project in an improved form that accounts for the results, experience and lessons learned during this project.