closing event


How can local authorities, installers, businesses and educators accelerate the energy and heat transition?

We all stand for a major challenge to switch to a low-carbon energy and economy. Cities play a central role in this, and the SOLARISE project has been driving innovation and sustainability in solar energy with 9 European and UK city and university partners.

In this final event of the SOLARISE project, you are introduced in new techniques tested in housing, historic buildings, and public buildings, and in educational living labs. The event shared innovative ways of testing, deploying and financing solar energy, while benefiting residents and communities.  We also looked forward to the next level of innovation in city-wide energy planning and smart systems.

In case you missed it, you can find the presentations and videos here:

Recording livestreams

– Part 1: The SOLARISE Living Labs
– Part 2: The SOLARISE pilots: public buildings, social housing and historic buildings
– Part 3: The future of solar energy
– Part 4: Climate justice and solar energy


Slides & videos

The SOLARISE Living Labs

The SOLARISE pilots – public buildings

The SOLARISE pilots – social housing 

The SOLARISE pilots – historic buildings

The future of solar energy

Climate justice and solar energy



CIick here to download the magazine with the Interreg 2 Seas SOLARISE Living labs and pilot sites.